Ejhle, chasa naša
Ejhle, chasa naša

Ejhle, chasa naša, běží ze salaša,
obuškama pleskajú, jakúsi radost majú,
skákajú, výskajú, gajdujú, tancujú,
neb z oblaků od andělů radosť velikú čujú,
běhajú, sháňajú, chytajú, lapajú,
k Betlému pospíchajú
a děťátku po kozlátku dávajú.
Nuž, my nemeškajme a jemu zahrajme
na ty naše husličky, klekněme před jesličky,
Ty, milý Ježíšku, vztáhni svú ručičku,
požehnaj nás, Tvoje ovce, náš milý pastýříčku.
Ó, milý Ježíšku, náš milý panáčku,
zahrajem Ti valaskú,
když umřeme, proukaž nám Tvú lásku.

Behold, Our Band

Behold, our band is running from the sheepfold,
They are slapping with their truncheons, they seem to be rejoicing,
They are prancing, shouting with joy, playing the backpipes and dancing.
Because they have heard a grand joy from the angels in the sky,
They are running, hunting, gathering, seizing,
They are hurrying to Bethlehem
And each is giving a goatling to the child.
Now, let us not wait and let us play for him
Let us play our violins and kneel in front of the crib.
You, dear baby Jesus, stretch your little hand,
Bless us, Your sheep, our dear little shepherd.
Oh, dear baby Jesus, our little Lord,
We will play You a Wallachian song,
When we die, show us Your love.